The last DNA test you will ever need

Founded in 2015 with the mission of providing truly private genome sequencing, we have proudly sequenced thousands of genomes and kept zero customer data. Today we guarantee the same level of privacy as well as the highest quality bioinformatics and genome analysis on the market.


Order DNA test online, order DNA test


After ordering online, you will receive your sample kit within 5 business days.

Genome DNA test sample. Saliva sample for genome sequencing.

2. Sample

Follow the easy instructions to give your sample, then ship it to us in the prepaid packaging.

3. Receive

After 8 weeks you will receive your genome data and report.

What You Get

FASTQ, BAM, and VCF files delivered.

All Your Genome Data

We deliver all your raw and processed genome files including FASTQ, BAM, VCF, and annotated VCF. We also deliver the code we used to process your genome.

Search a variant in your DNA. Check for mutation. Check for variant in your DNA.

Access to Genome Explorer

With your purchase, you will have free access to Guardiome's Genome Explorer App coming in late 2024. In the app you can run premade analyses or search any variant, gene, or region in your genome.

Genome report. DNA test results. DNA report.

Your Genome Report

An in-depth report of impactful variants you carry and their predicted consequences.

Genomics Done Right


From the time we receive your sample to the time we send you your genome data and report, our entire service takes place on American soil.

All-American service. Service done in America. Genome sequencing in America. American DNA testing.


We are the only consumer genomics company that benchmarks our bioinformatics pipelines against US FDA standards, giving you complete confidence in the genome files you receive from us.

FDA Benchmarked bioinformatics. High quality bioinformatics benchmarked against FDA standards.

Completely Private

We do not keep your genome data because profiting from your data is not part of our business model. About 60 days after sending you your genome data on a secure hard drive, we delete it.

Genome data delivered on hard drive. Completely private DNA testing. Private genome sequencing.

Based on Quality Research

Our genome analysis is based studies which are manually reviewed by our experienced scientists and bioinformaticians.

DNA Analysis based on high quality research. Genome analysis.

Physician Friendly

Our reports are designed to be readable by you and by your doctor. Your report will contain the important details your doctor will want to know before taking the next steps.

Doctor friendly DNA report. Physician friendly DNA report. Doctor friendly DNA test.

For Life

Whether you ordered yesterday or years ago, your inquiry as a customer will be met with a response from our bioinformatics team within 24 hours.

Lifetime customer support. 24 Hour response time from a team member. Great customer service. Support from our bioinformatics team.

Our Service Will…

Inform your lifestyle and wellness choices. DNA test to inform your life choices. DNA health test. DNA wellness test. DNA diet test.

Inform Your Choices

Your genome contains information that could help you live a healthier and happier life. Our bioinformaticians check your entire genome for impactful variants and deliver you an easy-to-understand report which will inform you of the following and more.

Your carrier status for inherited diseases, which is especially important if your are starting a family.
Your vitamin metabolisms and dietary differences.
Your drug sensitivities or predicted reactions to certain drugs.
Your predisposition to certain cancers based on mutations in key cancer genes.
Your wellness traits like caffeine consumption, hours of sleep needed, and muscle composition.
Your HLA Type and therefore your predispositions to certain autoimmune conditions (Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc).
Multiple consumer DNA tests can cost the consumer more than 40 hours. Multiple doctor ordered DNA tests can cost the consumer more than 30 hours. Meanwhile the Guardiome service costs consumers and average of 5 hours.

Save You Time

Many people who get a genetic test will get another one, and then another. This is because most genetic testing services are incomplete. So whether you ordering through your doctor or in the direct-to-consumer market, the amount of time you will spend researching, monitoring, and interpreting these incomplete tests can add up to more than 40 hours. By comparison, our customers usually spend about 5 hours from ordering to complete interpretation.

All genome data files including FASTQ, BAM, and VCF files are delivered to the customers door in a secure hard drive.

Give You the Power

We are the only genomics company who delivers all your genome files on a secure hard drive to your doorstep. Having your raw genome data (FASTQ) allows you to have it reanalyzed later by whoever you choose. Having your annotated variant call file (VCF) allows you the look at your variants with third-party software or Guardiome’s Genome Explorer App. You can do all of this with the peace of mind as you are the only person who can access your genome data.

Search any region, gene, or variant in your DNA in Guardiome's Genome Explorer application. Important information like the predicted impact of mutations, their names, locations, and any clinical information is included.

Continue to Help

In February 2025 our application Nami will be released to customers. In the app, you can run premade analyses or search your genome for any variant, gene, or region. When you read about a gene in the news, you can search for it in the app to check for impactful variants you have in that gene. Being able to search your genome freely like this will make addressing health, wellness, and lifestyle concerns easier and faster. Your genome sequence will be at your fingertips.

Guardiome vs Others

The Guardiome service includes high quality saliva sampling, 100% of DNA sequenced with high accuracy, FDA-benchmarked bioinformatics, all DNA data shipped to you, identification of uncommon variants, HLA typing, and access to Genome Explorer 2024.


Carrier-status testing. Family planning genetic test. DNA test for family planning.


Of people are expected to be the carrier of at least one genetic disease.

Rare disease DNA testing. Testing for rare disease with genetic basis.


Of rare diseases have a genetic basis.

Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenomic testing. Test DNA for variants related to drug response.


Of people carry a pharmacogenomic variant that would influence medication-related outcomes.

Test for genetic conditions that appear in childhood.


Of children’s hospital admissions have a genetic basis.

Ready to Start?